Television Work - 'The Golden Cobra'

As this was my first ever gig on a television show by BBC Wales and Beastly Media, my task on The Golden Cobra was to design an animate a rat with a style that satirises the Disney style for referential and comedic purposes.
Book Illustration - 'The Sneaky Seagull Stole My Chips'
These are characters I illustrated for an upcoming book titled 'The Sneaky Seagull Stole My Chips', in collaboration with authors Jacob Fretwell and Lauren Clithero of AfroSheep Animation.

Design and Animate -
Children's Character Redesign
This was for a second year animation module in uni where I had to update a character drawn by a child up to a professional standard and then animate it in CelAction.

Animation Pipeline - "Gentle Giant"
These designs were for a short 1 minute film near the end of the second year of the animation course at the University of South Wales. It's about a Therizinosaurus who struggles to fit in with the other dinosaurs around him because of his long, scary claws.
Final Designs

Concept Art

Outside of Uni
Music Video - 'Leave This World Behind' (2020)

Technical Option (2D) - Cardiff Animation Festival Sting

Specialist Animation CW1 - Google Doodle

Collaborations - Gaming Students
My responsibility for this collaboration project with the gaming students of USW was to design characters for a video game called "Ghost Town", which are intended to serve as 'scares' for the local NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) for the player to take over the neighbourhood. I also had to animate the scares I was given in TV Paint for a traditional hand-drawn appeal.

Collaborations - Classmate's Project
My responsibility for this collaboration project with one of my class mates was to design hybridised human/animal mutants for a horror/sci-fi themed animation, "Purgatory Laboratory" by Elisha Moores.
All the designs were roughly sketched in Photoshop and have the person I collaborated with carry on with the rest.

Final Film - Major Project -"Oh the Hu-Manatee"
A 3rd year/End of Year film made at the University of South Wales. It's about a pod of Manatees having a feud with Pablo Escobar's invasive hippos. Based on a true story.

Specialist Animation CW2 (Charity Advert) - 'The Autism Directory'
In the second Course Work of Specialist animation, I chose to centre my charity advert around the autism spectrum. This reflects on myself as an autistic individual and was intended to spread awareness and good will about it. This was done in collaboration of the Pontypridd-based autism charity 'Autistic Minds' (formerly called 'The Autism Directory' at the time prior to a rebrand the following year).
Master's Degree Animation Work
The Feared 5

Promotional Screenshots


The Vale
A Welsh adult animated web series based in the town of Ebbw Vale, created by Adam Llewelyn. My role on the show was to design creatures, as well as a occasional animation roles. Started work on the Vale in June 2021, midway through season 3.
Final artwork

Concept Art - Dai the Red Dragon

Thorny Devil Mascot Design for Twitch User